Breakfast Show listeners share stories of people not getting the 'hint'

Breakfast Show listeners share stories of people not getting the 'hint'

Will there ever come a day when Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe will get the hint?

Martin Bester and Tumi Morake

In a shocking turn of events on Sunday, Robert Mugabe refused to resign in his much-anticipated address to the nation on live TV.

Many around the world were shocked and surprised when the 93-year-old President refused to step down. 

Were you surprised by the outcome? Martin and Tumi definitely were, as well as many of our listeners. 

When it comes to getting the 'hint', many can be completely oblivious and ignore what's right in front of them. 

Martin and Tumi asked a few listeners to share their stories of people not getting the 'hint' with them...

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