This video shows how bad the Cape Town drought really is

This video shows how bad the Cape Town drought really is

It takes a lot for a wild goose to risk its safety, unless it's for nature's life source.

duck drinking from man's hand cape town

A beautiful yet heartbreaking video shows the dire situation Cape Town currently finds itself in. 

The video was filmed on Clifton Beach in Cape Town, and it shows an Egyptian Goose drinking from a beachgoer's hand. 

Watching the video below makes one realise the gravity of the drought and that even the wildlife are scavenging, trying to find a source of water wherever they can. 

Joel Graham posted the video to Facebook on Sunday, saying: “An Egyptian Goose landed on Clifton beach. We calmly approached each other. I offered water for her to drink. She drank then she flew off."

He urges all Capetonians to place a bowl of water outside for the animals also struggling in the drought. 

Watch the video below:

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