Look better in photos by saying this particular word

Look better in photos by saying this particular word

There is a word you can say to make you smile more natural!


We have all taken pictures and sometimes you do not quite know how to smile. You only realise this after the picture is taken and it is too late!

When taking a group picture, the photographer is most likely to say, “say cheese”.

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However, a TikTok user has suggested a new word to say that will make your smile picture perfect.

The TikTok user RJ says: “We should all actually be saying 'yeah' when we look into the camera for much better result. The difference is a much more natural face, it's also a little bit of action as opposed to awkwardly waiting.”

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Of course, in true Breakfast with Martin Bester style, Martin Bester urged his listeners to guess what the word is before revealing it.

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Image credit: Jacaranda FM

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