VIDEO: Club player tackles referee during rugby match

VIDEO: Club player tackles referee during rugby match

A Namibian club rugby match was reportedly called off after a player tackled the referee.

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A club rugby match in Namibia between Reho Falcons and Grootfontein was allegedly terminated after one of the players tackled the referee.

The video was shared on the SupaRugby Facebook page on 25 May and has garnered over 1,000 reactions, 900 comments, and 700 shares.

"And at Grootfontein, a local player tackled the referee out of his shoes," said the post.

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In the video, the players can be seen standing around when one player wearing a blue and white striped jersey runs towards the referee and tackles him.

Rather than tackling him at the waist or below, the player jumped into the air and onto the referee, taking him to the ground.

*Warning: This video contains strong language

Although the Facebook post confirmed that the match was called off, no further information was shared about the incident.

Angry social media users took to the post's comments section to share their thoughts on the incident.

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Many were calling for the player to be banned from the sport forever.

"He should be charged with assault and permanently removed from rugby,” said one user.

“Ban him for the rest of his life from a rugby field," said another.

"We from Grootfontein apologise for what happened!!!!! No matter if the ref was k*k, you don't do that!!!! Don't condemn a team for one player's mistake."

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Image: Facebook/ Screenshot


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