Breakup etiquette: When should you remove all the pictures of your ex from social media?

Breakup etiquette: When should you remove all the pictures of your ex from social media?

You've gotten rid of your partner in real-life, but what about their digital presence?

Couples breakup how long do you wait to delete pictures on social media

When you're in a relationship, it seeps into the many different aspects of your life.

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Your significant other might get a chance to meet your family, coworkers and friends and of course, in today's day and age, you'll most likely let the social media world know that you are in a relationship.

Many years ago the only real indication of a change in relationship status was updating your Facebook relationship status.

Now, with your digital footprint growing by the day, a few pictures or videos of you and your partner might sneak in online.

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Unfortunately, some good things might come to an end.

While you're cleaning a closet, or an apartment you might find yourself scrolling through photo albums on your phone and deleting the once-precious memories you shared.

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But what about social media memories?

Facebook will be the first to remind you of an old flame and Instagram will now do the same.

Rob Forbes and Rozanne McKenzie are curious to know: how long after a breakup is it appropriate to remove all traces of your ex from your social media?

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