LISTEN: Rudolph Workel lost 220 kg - and this is how he did it

LISTEN: Rudolph Workel lost 220 kg - and this is how he did it

Rudolph Workel lost 220 kg in 18 months.

Rudolph Workel
Supplied/ Rudolph Workel

Talking about your own weight and body can be a sensitive topic - and many people do not feel comfortable doing so.

One person who is proud and openly talking about his weight loss journey is Rudolph Workel.

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Workel lost 220 kg in 18 months. His starting weight was 320 kg. Workel decided to lose weight for his wedding that happened in 2019.

Workel also used people's cruelty to change his lifestyle. "People used to say mean things to me in public places."

"I've lost all this weight and then lockdown came. At the moment I'm at 138 kg. At the end of the year, I want to be 105 kg."

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"To keep off the weight is really difficult. Your head must be in the right place and you must stay focused."

"The best advice I can give someone is to set goals for yourself." 

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Workel followed the 28-day-diet to help him lose weight. "This is not a diet to follow for the rest of your life as the calories are too little." 

Workel also mentioned that he eats smaller portions and tries to exercise as often as possible

Rudolph Workel
Supplied/ Rudolph Workel

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Image Credit: Supplied

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