Woman plummets to her death while attempting a selfie

Woman plummets to her death while attempting a selfie

A woman in Panama died while trying to take the perfect selfie.

woman upside down

Sandra Manuela Da Costa Macedo, 44, died in Panama City after losing her balance and falling over the balcony at Luxor Tower, a luxury high-rise apartment building. Macedo had been taking a selfie at the time. 

Onlookers and construction workers who were stationed below watched as the woman lost her footing and plummeted to her death, with the selfie stick still in hand. 

The following footage is graphic and may be disturbing for sensitive viewers.

Reports state that construction workers tried to shout to Macedo - who was a teacher and a mother of two - to be careful, but it was not meant to be. When paramedics arrived on the scene, Macedo was already dead

The Fire Service has taken this opportunity to warn people to be more responsible about how they use their smartphones: "Don’t risk your life for a selfie. It’s more important to lose a minute in life than your life in a minute."

Image: soysuperfer

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