Good Morning Angels (Esther/Rolene Strauss)

Good Morning Angels (Esther/Rolene Strauss)

Helping a mom get a special wheelchair for her son


Request from:

Matrone Agna Whitehouse


Request for:

Esther and Sphiwe Jiyane



Rolene Strauss, Miss South Africa 2014



Rolene will donate R25 000,00 from her Miss SA fund for "Random acts of kindness" towards getting Siphiwe his wheelchair and other school necessities   



Esther Jiyane is all heart. She works as a care-giver at an old age home in Sunnyside Pretoria and according to her Matron - she's extremely popular as she's very loving, competent and always friendly. Her 15-year old son, Sphiwe is the joy of her life. He was born in 1998 - healthy and bouncy. When Sphiwe was 3-years old, Esther took him to the doctor for flu. He got an injection and without explanation lost the use of his legs. Esther has been working at the care facility since then - night and day shifts - giving her all to the people she cares for. When Sphiwe started school, she payed someone to push him to school and back in an old wheelchair. Sphiwe finished primary school with very good marks and is now in Grade 9. He wants to become a doctor and Esther wants to get him an electric wheelchair to enable him to be more independent and support his dream to one day heal others. Esther does not have the R15 000,00 for an electric wheelchair, but she believes there will be a plan.


Get in touch with GMA by filling in a submission form here:


Original Request:

Goeie dag Good Morning Angles.
Hierby aangeheg ‘n skrywe vir u aandag en goedgunstige oorweging.
Byvoorbaat baie dankie.

Matrone Agna Whitehouse

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