This is what you call a 'Super-Mom'

This is what you call a 'Super-Mom'

We know of Superman and Superwoman, but did you know there was a 'Super-Mom'?!

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We are constantly flooded with healthy-eating videos, fitness tips, and guides on how to get the perfect body, but there is one mother who is proof that it can be done.

Fitness-fanatic mother, Simone Gately, is only 35 and has already given birth to five children! She is proof that maintaining a killer body after having kids is possible. Besides having five children all under the age of ten, she still manages to squeeze in at least two hours of training per day. Wow! 

She starts her day at 5am with a gym routine, followed by either a walk or hike with the dogs. She even gets her children involved and uses them as weights for squats and press ups. 

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Both Simone and her husband influence their five children to walk long distances from a young age. The family is constantly active and all strive to lead a healthy lifestyle. 

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There is no doubt that Simone looks incredible, but we all know that this does come with a lot of hard work!

Inspired yet? Well, Simone has shared some of her fitness tips that you can do in the comfort of your own home. Take a look:

She also spoke to us and shared her daily activities on how she keeps fit and stays in shape. 

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