Toddler manages to put out a candle with tiny soccer ball

Toddler manages to put out a candle with tiny soccer ball

This toddler has some epic skills!

Korbin Jackson

When you're good, you're good, but this two-year-old is just amazing!

Korbin Jackson has his very own Instagram account that is dedicated to his tick shots. However, this particular video really caught our attention.

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This little trickster managed to snuff out his birthday cake's candle with a tiny soccer ball. Of course, he did this with total ease and the skill that would put a few pro-footballers to shame.

Lights out. 👟🕯💨

A post shared by Korbin Jackson (@korbin_jackson) on

A talented little one like this has a couple of other tricks up his sleeves as well.

Cleaning this mess up before Mom comes home 🤗👌 ...repping my @crocs and @waltdisneyworld gear 💯

A post shared by Korbin Jackson (@korbin_jackson) on

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