Crazy-brave man lands epic waterslide stunt

Crazy-brave man lands epic waterslide stunt

This is definitely something you should NOT try at home!

image slide water man jumps

This could have ended horribly!

We have all seen stunts and tricks ending very badly for those trying to land them. However, one man seemed to do the unthinkable and it worked!

As in the below Instagram video, a man was captured jumping onto a waterslide from way above the ground. 

In the video, the man can be seen standing on a rooftop, waiting to jump onto a slide that leads into the river. Within seconds he takes the leap and perfectly lands in the slide and into the water. 

This is crazy! You'll probably be closing your eyes while watching this. 

0 - 100 real quick!🤘🏽 Thanks for filming @rainerkleive 🙂

A post shared by Benjamin Forthun (@benjaminforthun) on

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