The most epic video yet: legendary rugga commentator Hugh Bladen narrates a buffalo stampede!

The most epic video yet: legendary rugga commentator Hugh Bladen narrates a buffalo stampede!

Calling all nature enthusiasts...with a sporty edge! Think you could top something as epic as legendary rugby commentator Hugh Bladen narrating you through a buffalo stampede? We didn't think so either!

The genre 'sports entertainment' in the context of media has been made alive through the presence of commentating greats such as Johannesburg-born rugby commentator Hugh Bladen.

1976 was the year that South African broadcasting first got exposed to the robust vocals that have become a strong part not only of 'Brand Hugh Bladen', but also of South African rugby history altogether.

The Grand Master of Rugga Commentating delivers his most rousing performance yet - a narration of a buffalo stampede. In true 'Blades' style. You were never ready.

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