Activists unconvinced by Mbalula's plan to deal with gender-based violence

Activists unconvinced by Mbalula's 6-point plan

Gender activists have raised concern around police minister Fikile Mbalula's new 6-point plan to help police stations deal with gender-based violence.

Police in Cape Town SONA 2017
Photo: Slindelo Masikane

Mbalula announced the plan in Eldorado Park last week. 

The plan is aimed at ensuring police stations treat victims of crime with respect and handle their cases with urgency. 

Senior researcher at the Tshwaranang Legal Advocacy Centre, Lisa Vetten, says the plan is not comprehensive enough. 

"It reads a little bit like tips on how to treat victims better. That is really not a plan or a policy, especially because the six points are already in policy," says Vetten. 

ALSO READ:  Mbalula launches plan to curb gender based violence 

Mbalula told journalists the policy will also ensure communities understand their rights.

Vetten says she had hoped Mbalula would announce a more innovative plan. 

"One wants to see steps such as: 'we plan to train 50 000 officers in our stations to ensure that every rape survivor who comes in is not chased away. After we have done that we will do x, y z to ensure we help disabled victims'. One would have liked to see something new and innovative, not tips," says Vetten. 

Jacaranda FM spoke to several women about the new plan, but they also remain unconvinced. 

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