Funding higher education on cabinet's agenda

Funding higher education on cabinet's agenda

The issue of free higher education is at the top of government's agenda.

Jeff Radebe_jacanews
Photo: Samkele Maseko, JacarandaFM News

While Higher Education and Training Minister Blade Nzimande is consulting over fees for the 2017 academic year, Minister in the Presidency Jeff Radebe said it will be discussed at the Cabinet Lekgotla.

"One of the agenda items that I will be presenting is the issue of the alignment of the NDP budget and the issue of education is our apex of priorities. Obviously we are going to be dealing with this matter," Radebe said.

The four day Cabinet Lekgotla kicks off at the Sefako Makgatho Presidential in Pretoria on Tuesday.

Radebe said the consultation process needs to be concluded.

Students have threatened to shut down universities across the country if a fee increment is announced.

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