Mkhize: Fee decision 'won't harm students'

Mkhize: Fees decision 'won't harm students'

Higher Education Minister Hlengiwe Mkhize has given students an assurance that government has their best interests at heart.

Hlengiwe Mkhize

She was speaking at a media briefing in Pretoria following the release of the Heher Commission report looking into the feasibility of fee-free higher education.

An inter-ministerial committee has been tasked with processing the report and making a decision on its recommendations. 

"I have this belief that all representatives who are looking at the report have the student's plight at heart. I don't foresee any decision that could harm the students per se," said Mkhize. 

ALSO READ: Five key points of the Fees Commission report

Student leaders have mostly rejected the report, but Mkhize is urging them to allow the academic year to conclude peacefully. 

"What is sad about interruptions in people's academic life is that sometimes you don't get another opportunity to achieve what you wanted to do. 

"I am sure there are many leaders in South Africa who didn't complete their university education because of interruptions. It would be unfortunate if in a democracy, when we can engage and doors are open, and we still use those methods which hit hard against young people."

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