Tea in Nkandla: Hlaudi Motsoeneng, BLF join the steady stream of visitors

Tea in Nkandla: Hlaudi Motsoeneng, BLF join the steady stream of visitors

This as the former statesman has refused to appear before the Commission f Inquiry into State Capture, leading to the possibility of his arrest. 

JZ Motsoeneng Nkandla

The steady stream of visitors to former President Jacob Zuma's home in Nkadla, KwaZulu-Natal continues with a number of controversial visitors popping in this week. 

Following a visit from the EFF's Julius Malema, and then police Minister, Bheki Cele, the controversial former COO of the SABC, Hlaudi Motsoeneng has also visited Zuma, with the even more controversial Black First Land First (BLF) set to visit him on Saturday. 

In February, Dudu Myeni, the delinquent director and former board member of the Jacob Zuma Foundation, took Zuma groceries for all his visits. 

ALSO [WATCH]: Dudu Myeni provides groceries for Jacob Zuma's tea meetings in Nkandla

In a video shared on social media, Myeni says that as Zuma is  a pensioner "who has no shares in any mining company" she felt the need to "give the little that we could afford" from her family. 

This as the former statesman has refused to appear before the Commission f Inquiry into State Capture, leading to the possibility of his arrest. 

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