Has airport security ever confiscated something from you?

Has airport security ever confiscated something from you?

With the latest news that 'Marmite' is to be confiscated at London aiports, some say it's ridiculous!

airport security image confiscated image

Ever had anything confiscated at an airport? 

Well, if you're a fan of 'Marmite', don't think you'll be taking it to your loved ones anytime soon. 

A UK airport has declared that 'Marmite' is the number one branded food item confiscated from passengers' hand luggage. In return, they are offering passengers the chance to swap any jars of 'Marmite' exceeding the permitted 100ml size for a travel-friendly 70g miniature. 

Can we have a moment for the fact that it's 'MARMITE'?!

That's not all that they will be confiscating from you. Below is the 'Top 10 List' of items confiscated by London City Airport:

1. Snow globes

2. Jams and spreads

3. Toiletries

4. Jarred chutneys and pickles

5. Olive oils

6. Wine

7. Spirits

8. Marmite

9. Nutella chocolate spread

10. Furry handcuffs

Have you had an incident where something was confiscated at an airport?

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