Job recruiter accidentally leaves shocking voicemail message
Updated | By The Drive with Rob and Roz
Buttdialing and accidental voice notes can be quite damaging...

When applying for a job in the age of social media, where seemingly everyone has an online presence, it is common knowledge that companies will often scroll through your online profiles.
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If you are applying for a job it is important to note, as organisations might find certain online behaviour inappropriate and thus not offer you a job.
However, if there is anything we've learned over the last few years is that you cannot always judge an online life because it is not always as it seems.
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One woman had a possible job opportunity end in disappointment when the recruiters had a look at her social media and decided that she wasn't the right fit for the job.
They did make one mistake.
Lily Rose-Wilson applied for a job in Perth, Australia at a company called STS Health. She had thought the job application process had been going well until she missed a call from the company and they left her a voice mail.
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Unfortunately, the company had decided not to choose Lily for the position but they also forgot to end the call and preceded to discuss her social profiles in excruciating and embarrassing detail.
Although it was more embarrassing for them.
You can hear the voicemail here:
While an organisation can use its own discretion when employing someone new, this has cast this specific company in a very bad light.
One would hope that nobody chooses to discuss future or current employees in such a manner.
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Main image courtesy of iStock/Benjamin Clapp
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