Mother-in-law's behaviour prompts bride to cancel wedding

Mother-in-law's behaviour prompts bride to cancel wedding

This monster-in-law might just be getting what she deserves...

Mother-in-law's behaviour prompts bride to cancel wedding

Unlike the common trope, not all in-laws are terrible, jealous people.

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While we might like to believe that dads will be overprotective and unaccepting of their daughter's partners, and mothers believe that no one is good enough for their son, this tends to be quite rare.

Or the parents will just hide their dislike because their children are happy.

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Some in-laws will however make it very clear that they dislike you and will sometimes even get the rest of the family to jump on the bandwagon.

Taking to Reddit, a distressed and fed-up fiancée explained how she was considering cancelling her wedding because her partner's mother had been disrespecting her for too long.

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The anonymous poster shared stories of multiple instances where she was portrayed as being the villain in these stories.

Read her full post here:

AITA for refusing to speak to MIL and cancelling our wedding?
byu/Dee_Ree inAmItheAsshole

Luckily, the poster has her future husband's support and in the comments, other Reddit users are taking her side.

Hopefully, the couple will be able to have the wedding they want without any further troubles.

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Main image courtesy of iStock/Motortion

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